初三英语作文 今天要
Read the e-card and discuss Wang junfeng's questions in groups.Then help Michael write back to Wang Junfeng.
Dear Michael,
How are you doing?I'm writing to you from California.I want to know some differences between British English and American English,because I have difficulty in un derstanding the people here.They speak too quickly.Sometimes I can't follow them.And their accents are not all the same.Even worse,I can't understand some of the words they use.I really want to know how the differences came about.Please write back to me soon.
Best wishes to you and your family!
Wang Junfeng
人气:255 ℃ 时间:2020-01-26 04:17:43
Dear Wang Junfeng,I'm very well.Here let me tell you the differences between British English and American English.British English is spoken more fast than American English .Learners of English often f...
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