Most little girls love to ____ in their mother's clothes and pretend to be grown up.
I'm sure my keys are in the house .If we just keep looking,they're sure to ____!
I'm sorry,but you just missed john,He ____ for the airport about an hour ago.
必修3书上42页 第一题
I____ the violin when I was seven ,but I haven't played recently,so I forgot a lot
人气:336 ℃ 时间:2020-02-04 04:15:54
I'm sure my keys are in the house .If we just keep looking,they're sure to ____!
答案:turn up
I'm sorry,but you just missed john,He ____ for the airport about an hour ago.
答案:set off
I____ the violin when I was seven ,but I haven't played recently,so I forgot a lot.
答案:took up
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