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Jehovah`s Witnesses是什么意思
人气:484 ℃ 时间:2020-04-21 22:28:06
Jehovah's Witnesses is a restorationist[1],millenialist[2] Christian religious movement.[3][4] Sociologists of religion have classified the group as an Adventist sect.[5][6] The religion emerged from the Bible Student Movement,founded in the late 19th century by Charles Taze Russell.It underwent significant changes between 1917 and the 1940s as its authority structure was centralized and its preaching methods brought under greater regimentation.[7][8] The religion today claims an active worldwide membership of 7.0 million.[9]
They are most well-known for their door-to-door preaching ministry,and their refusal to serve in the military and take blood transfusions.[10] Since 1876,adherents have believed that they are living in the last days of the present world.[11] In the years leading up to 1925 and 1975,the religion's publications expressed strong expectations that Armageddon would occur in those years,both times resulting in surges in membership and subsequent defections.[7]
The religion has been acknowledged for its contributions to medical practice in bloodless surgery,its assistance in the development of constitutional law concerning civil liberties and conscientious objection to military service,and its international publishing and missionary activity.[12] The religion's stance against military service has brought it into conflict with governments that conscript citizens for military service[13][14],and activities of Jehovah's Witnesses have subsequently been banned in some countries.[15][16]
The organization's teachings and practices diverge greatly from traditional Christian theology,which has caused several major Christian denominations to denounce the group as either a cult or heretical sect.[17] Medical ethicists have criticized Jehovah's Witnesses as an authoritarian group[18] that coerces members to obey doctrines including the ban on blood transfusions.[19] Former adherents have claimed that the religion demands unquestioning obedience from members,with the consequence of expulsion and shunning facing any who fail to comply with,express doubts about,or disagree with its doctrines.[20][21]
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