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汉译英一段 2
据我了解,ms wang 语言能力很强,她不但能流利使用英语,而且日语也不错.而且她喜欢文学,擅长写作,是个多才多艺的学生.
人气:485 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 16:52:52
Firstly she's very devoted to whatever she does and she works very efficiently. Secondly she is good at looking for the information related to her research and finding solutions to the problems. Thirdly, also the most valuable is that she is not afraid of difficulties. Sometimes she often stays up late to read the literature of her subject, which can't be done by many peers. So I believe she can do the research well in the future. I also know that she's proficient in languages. She can not only use English fluently, she is good at Japanese as well. She's fond of literature and likes writing. She's a versatile student.
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