1.will you please lend a dictionary to me?2.how often do you hear from your parents?
1.will you please lend a dictionary to me?
2.how often do you hear from your parents?
3.would you please show me how i can get to the theatre?
4people usually fly to sanya in winter for a holiday.
人气:428 ℃ 时间:2019-10-09 12:10:44
1.will you please lend a dictionary to me?
will you lend me a dictionary?
2.how often do you hear from your parents?
how often do you receive a letter from your parents?
3.would you please show me how i can get to the theatre?
would you please show me how to get to the theatre?
4people usually fly to sanya in winter for a holiday.
people usually go to sanya by plane in winter for a holiday.
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