连词成句 1 this,meals,energy,gives,us,for,having,classes,in the afternoon
2 do,what,have,you,breakfast,for
3 you,call 110,if,you,help,need,can,for,help
4 a,discount,there is,christmas,before,on,things,lots of
5 I'm,they,look cool,will,sure,on anyone
人气:341 ℃ 时间:2020-04-30 07:42:48
1.this meals gives us energy for having class in the afternoon.2.what do you have for breakfast?3.if you need help you can call 110 for help.4.there is a discount on lots of things before christmas.5....请问一下句子的意思是什么?
- 连词成句gives, beef,me,for,energy,sports
- This meal gives me energy for the afternoon and for playing volleyball later.
- This meal gives her energy for (dancing)in the afternoon
- 连词成句1.once,teacher,a,gives,the,quiz,a,us,month(.)
- afternoon,theme,to,let,go,us,park,this,the连词成句
- 硫酸镍颜色
- 计算:a²-b²/ab÷(a-b)²
- 已知3A-B+1的绝对值 +(3A-2/3倍B)的平方=0.求B的平方/A+B 除以[(B/A-B)乘(AB/A+B)]的值
- 没什么别的用英语怎么说
- Mum came back home when i ___(do) my homework.
- 校运会时,某班有28人参加比赛,5人参加游泳比赛,8人参加田径比赛,14人参加球类比赛,
- 问几个英语单词:
- 请用下面的词连成一段话
- 一家商店进行装修,若请甲、乙两个装修组同时施工,8天可以完成,需付给两组费用共3520元;若先请甲组单独6天,再请乙组单独做12天也可以完成,需付给两组费用3480元,问:
- 螺丝下垫垫圈干吗? A使螺丝拧的更紧 B减少螺丝对零件的压力 C美观作用 D增大受力面积减少零件所受压强
- 在下列物质中,锰元素化合价最高的是( ) A.MnO2 B.KMnO4 C.MnCl2 D.K2MnO4