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A PLAN to tackle the long wait for elective surgery should be delivered early next year after Australia's health ministers agreed today to urgently reform the system.
At their first joint meeting since the election,federal,state and territory health ministers met in Hobart and agreed elective surgery was the highest priority.
"All ministers agreed on the need for urgent reform of the Australian health system to improve services and ease much of the pressure on the system,particularly public hospitals," a communique from the meeting said.
Labor promised during the election that $600m would be used over four years to reduce waiting times for elective surgery in public hospitals.
State and territory ministers will later this month bid for the money,by outlining to the Commonwealth priority projects for using it.
Ms Roxon hailed the Hobart meeting a success,saying it was the start of ending the blame game on health funding.
Ministers also agreed that renegotiating the Australian Health Care Agreement,which expires on 30 June 2008,was a top priority.
New South Wales Health Minister Reba Meagher said the next agreement must put more money on the table for states and territories and have a focus on disease prevention.
Victoria's Health Minister Daniel Andrews said today he was confident a federal takeover of Victorian hospitals – which,Mr Rudd warned the states,would happen if their hospitals don't perform – would not occur.
The ministers agreed to meet again on January 31 in Melbourne.
人气:209 ℃ 时间:2020-05-02 22:32:52
"所有的部长们一致认为,有必要进行改革实在是刻不容缓的澳大利亚卫生体系,以改善服务和缓解大部分的压力,这对系统,尤其是公立医院, "一项公报说,从会议上说.
新南威尔士州的卫生部长REBA MEAGHER说,在未来的协定必须把更多的钱放在桌子上来,为国家和地区,有重点,对疾病预防的工作.
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