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Chinese economy improved between 1988 and 1995. Improvements occurred for most age categories. For example, in 1995, more young workers were in the professional and technical category, and fewer in the laborer category than in 1988.
Table 9 gives percentage of employees who received job training based on their work experience. Young workers receive more job training than old ones, especially on full-time pre-job training. Also, more workers receive full time on-the-job training than part-time on-the-job-training. Men appear to have more full-time training (on-job and pre-job), and women receive more part-time job training. For those with five years or less job experience, the average length of full-time pre-job training is 5.0 months, of fulltime on the job training is 4.8 months, and of part-time training is 5.5 months.
人气:389 ℃ 时间:2020-05-19 15:09:16
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