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人气:134 ℃ 时间:2020-03-21 07:18:58
The Story of an Hour是一篇非常著名的短篇小说,作者凯特•肖邦叙述了女主人公Mrs. Mallard (Louise)在得知丈夫过世之后的一系列反应.课堂上,老师说已有许多名家对这篇小说做出评论,但不知为何,第一次读这篇小说时就感觉有一种莫名的熟悉.以下是我自己的一些看法:
由小说的第三段“She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her.”可见小说的女主人公Mrs. Mallard是一位Untraditioanal的现代女性.这主要体现在两个方面:第一,她是一位女性.她的内心也很脆弱,在得知丈夫去世时她会悲痛,也会哭泣.第二,她是一位Untraditioanal的现代女性.她不会歇斯底里的无法接受丈夫去世的事实,相反的,她很平静,很坚强,也很独立.她不愿在朋友甚至是妹妹面前伤心.也许她需要的不是别人的安慰而是独自的和解.因而她会回到自己的房间,独自消化.

她还年轻,也很漂亮,她的脸部的轮廓中透露着一种自制和力量.此刻,她目光呆滞的看着那一点蓝天,好像在想些什么… …
过了一会儿,在妹妹的要求下,她开了门.和妹妹一块下楼.正在这时Mr. Mallard拖着疲惫的身体进了门,我们的Louise,因极度的兴奋,死于心脏病.

有人说这是一篇女权主义作品,文中Louise因能够脱离丈夫的控制而欣喜不已,又因丈夫归来而在失望中死去.我赞成Louise是一位独立的女性,但我更相信她是深爱着她的丈夫的.因为她是一位独立的女性,她有思想,有理性,所以她不会歇斯底里,她会从她丈夫的角度来考虑问题;因为她深爱着她的丈夫,所以她能够战胜内心的痛苦,不断的告诉自己要像以前一样生活;因为她对丈夫的爱让她看到丈夫安然无恙时因极度兴奋而死去.总的来说,她的爱是矛盾的,因为她的爱让自己相信她不爱;她的爱还是痛苦的,因为她注定要在不断的挣扎中生存.从女性的角度来说Louise的fancy就是她爱丈夫最好的证明.From the part of a female, Louise’s fancy is the best truth for her love.
Classical short story of Kate Chopin! I like it very much! The end is opening: You can say that it is a tradegy of a woman who gets freedom finally, and you can also say that it is a victory of a woman.
Kate Chopin was a forgotten American voice until her literary reputation was resuscitated by critics in the 1950s. Today her novel The Awakening (1899) the story of a sensual, determined woman who insists on her independence, is widely read and highly honored, a feminist work which was decidedly ahead of its time. Born Katherine O'FIaherty into an upper-middle-class family in St. Louis, she married Oscar Chopin when she was twenty and moved to her husband's home in Louisiana. In the ten years that she resided in Louisiana she was aware of and receptive to Creole, Cajun, black, and Indian cultures, and when she later came to write fiction, she would incorporate people from these cultures in her work, especially her short stories. When her husband died as a young man, Kate Chopin returned to St. Louis with her six children. Financially secure, she began writing fiction as best she could while rearing her children. She is a good example of an American realist, someone trying to represent life the way it actually is lived, and she acknowledged her debt to the contemporary French naturalists Emile Zola and Guy de Maupassant.
Does the psychological ambivalence dramatized in "The Story of an Hour" ring true or uncomfortably real when we consider honestly our own feelings?
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