I am a boy I'm a student
You're clever See you
He has a dog He is at home Is he at home?
She smiles She is in good health Is she in good health?
It is my book Where is my pen?Is that my pen?
That is your cup What's your name
It is his home That is his book Is that his book?
It is her paper That is her computer Is that her computer?写清楚一点,把造句和一般.特殊疑问句分开,而且一般.特殊疑问句各要5个一般:Is he at home?Is she in good health?Is that my pen?Is that his book?Is that her computer?特殊:Where is my pen?What's your name?Where is he?Where is his pen?Where is her book?所有的都算是造句吧,不管是陈述句还是问句