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英语口试topic:what do you think of the development of transportation in Shanghai
英语口试topic:What do you think of the development of transportation in shanghai
用不少于六句话描述(不要太复杂 差不多半分钟可以描述完的)
It is neccessary to develop the transportation
With the rise of the population
the development of china in the future.
如果能用到这几个最好 好的话我不会吝啬分的
一楼的 您再说什么。topic是啥不明白么。
二楼:应试教育不需要任何感情 记住 这儿是中国
人气:161 ℃ 时间:2019-08-24 07:05:27
Ithink in's a risingtide to develop the transportation judging from the world trend.And it is also the symbol of civilisation.It can stand for a nation'seconomy.Without the development oft ransportation ,man can not even improve the efficiency on their job!
So in my humble opinion,if you can not stop the develop in the world,you just must hold a positive attitude to the development of transportation in Shanghai
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