> 英语 >
1最大的份儿:the l( )'s share
2大吃特吃:eat like a h( )
3飞跑:run like a d( )
4养尊处优:live like fighting c( )
5干劲冲天地劳动:work like a t( )
6大雨倾盆:it rians c( ) and d( )
7本末倒置:put the cart before the h( )
8脚踏两条船,必定落空:If you run after two h( ),you will catch neither.
9过着牛马不如的生活:live a d( )'s life
10埋头苦干;辛苦地干活:work like a h( )
11不要过早乐观:Don't count c( ) before they are hatched.
人气:199 ℃ 时间:2020-01-28 05:09:47
1最大的份儿:the l(lion )'s share
2大吃特吃:eat like a h(horse )
3飞跑:run like a d(deer )
4养尊处优:live like fighting c( cat)
5干劲冲天地劳动:work like a t(tiger )
6大雨倾盆:it rians c(cats ) and d( dogs)
7本末倒置:put the cart before the h(horse)
8脚踏两条船,必定落空:If you run after two h( horses),you will catch neither.
9过着牛马不如的生活:live a d( dog)'s life
10埋头苦干;辛苦地干活:work like a h(horse )
11不要过早乐观:Don't count c(chickens ) before they are hatched.
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