_____________?They are dangerous.a How do you like koalas?b Why are you afraid of snakes
人气:149 ℃ 时间:2020-03-22 21:15:21
b Why are you afraid of snakes 为什么不用because来回答这道题十分模棱两可,即使没有because,但也有说明原因的意思。那可不可以理解为你认为。。。怎么样?回答他们危险。。。。呵呵多谢可以
- 一.I don't like the .They're dangerous.A.snakes B.deers C.pandas 二.Look at lions.They‘re .
- I like koalas because they are cute(对because they are cute提问)
- i kind like koalas of are interesting be cause they连词成句
- why does li lei like koalas?Because they are ___________interesting
- 连词成句 do,why,like,koalas,they
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