(1) The Company will contribute to your social security fund and housing fund in accordance with the laws and regulations of PRC and the place where you work for the duration that you are employed by the Company.
(2) You will be entitled to supplementary pension fund and housing fund.The details are stipulated in the Company¡¯s policy.
(3) You will be entitled to paid annual leave for each completed year.The details are stipulated in the Company¡¯s leave policy.
人气:187 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 00:49:46
(1) 受雇于本公司期间,本公司将根据中国法律法规以及您工作所在地的法律法规,为您缴纳社保基金和住房公积金.
(2) 您有权参加补充养老保险基金和住房基金.详情见本公司政策的规定.
(3) 您有权在每个完整年度享受带薪年假.详情见本公司休假政策的规定.