> 英语 >
most things that are enjoyed in and of themselves
问这里的in and of是合在一起短语还是什么?难道是be enjoyed in?这个and 连接的是什么东西?就给分析下这个句子吧.
Now,something else I value is teaching.Why?Well,it brings me a modest income but I can make more money doing other things.I do it even if they didn't pay me I just enjoy teaching.In that sense it is an end to itself.But teaching is not something that has intrinsic value for all people.And that's true generally.Most things that are enjoyed in and of themselves vary from person to person.Some people value teaching intrinsically but others don't.
人气:242 ℃ 时间:2020-04-08 14:44:59
that到vary前是定语从句修饰things,and是用来连接的,in and of不是合在一起的.are enjoyed in 跟of themselves 都是修饰things的正常语序是sth. are enjoyed in by sb / sb enjoy in sth..enjoy in 是个词组 享受的意思,后面可以接名词 比如 enjoy in life。enjoy是及物动词,因为不及物动词是没有被动态的。 大多数事物本身具有的很多特性,人们所享受的方面是因人而异的。(这个翻译是我自己想的,不知道对不对。仅供参考)
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