> 英语 >
宾语从句the members can vote and appoint they think can do the job most adequately 为什么用where呀
空在appoint后 对了刚才打错了用whoever 作主语吗 另外像一楼这糊弄人的就别回答了
人气:429 ℃ 时间:2020-01-28 11:22:04
The members can vote and appoint whoever they think can do the job most adequately.whoever they think can do the job most adequately是vote and appoint的宾语从句.换成陈述句顺序更好理The members can vot...那whomever为什么不对不是在从句中作宾语吗你可以把they think当作插入语看,因此可以忽略这两个单词。这样一来,原句成了The members can vote and appoint whoever can do the job most adequately. 因为whoever在整个宾语从句作主语(强调一下,在宾语从句中作主语),所以用主格,而不能用whomever。宾语从句指整个句子作宾语,意思是whoever can do the job most adequetely整个是宾语。在分析whoever的时候应该把宾语从句挑出来,这个时候whoever所作的成分和主句其实是没有多大的关系的。
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