1.You should pay more attention () your pronunciation
a.with b.to c.for d.st
2.The taxidriver asked us for ()
a.a mile 20 yuan b.a mile 20 yuan c.20 yuan mile d.15 yuans a mile
人气:295 ℃ 时间:2019-08-20 02:48:00
20 yuan a mile
- Li Ming,you should___more attention to your pronunciation.a.give b.send c.pay d.take
- You should pay more attention to your spelling.的 被动语态
- I think you as a student,you should pay more attention to your schoolwork这句话有没有语法错误?
- Your pronunciation is good,you just need to pay more attention to your grammar.25 out of 30
- you should pay attention to_pronunciation of_world A)the,/ B)the,the C)/,theD)the,a
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