牛津英语9a课文原文pet Therefore,people should be allowed to have pet dogs.There are lots of reasons
人气:438 ℃ 时间:2019-08-21 21:02:07
Therefore,people should be allowed to have pet dogs.There are lots of reasons for this.First,dogs are reall cute.We have to feed them,train them and play with them .We even have to take care of them at night..According to my mum,this helps us become more reponsible people.We can also learn about life and death from dogs.Young people can learn how to care for others and how respect all living things by keeping a pet dog.A dog will love you faithfully for many years.keeping pet dogs is something everyone can enjoy.In my opinion,it is never a good idea to keep a pet dog.Pet dogs create a lot of mess.They leave fur and hair on the floor ,on beds and on sofas,and they need to be washed regularly .Some people are not very good at cleaning up after their dogs when they take them for a walk .As a result,these dogs create a lot of mess on the streets and in parks .We should remember that not all dogs are friendly.Some dogs bark at people they do not know.This can frighten young children.A few dogs bark all night .This stops their neighbours from getting any sleep.A small number of pet dogs even bite people.This may make the dogs feel extremly unhappy.THey always need fresh air and large open spaces where they can run free.Finally ,paying for dog food and visiting the vet can be expensive.I believe that people should not keep pet dogs.
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