比较简单的初中英语作文60词共6篇 如果有病句就好了
自我介绍 我的一天 我爱吃的零食 我爱看的电影 剩下的两篇随便
人气:248 ℃ 时间:2019-08-17 23:42:41
I like listening to the radio very much,because it can make me happy.When I get angry with the other people or feel unhappy,I usually want to listen to the radio.I like listening to the music and I hate listening to the news.I think the music sounds beautiful and the news are boring.My favourite programme is 1068 night-line.It’s a talk show and it’s about the music as well as the stories.So I like it very much.
I like listening to music and news reports on radio,but I hate listening to advertisements,because they are boring.I listen to news report at seven o’clock everyday,and I sometimes listen to music at ten o’clock.My parents also like listening to news reports.The newsreaders’ voices are very nice.I hope to become a newsreader when I grow up.
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