1.Debbie and Simon (looked up as) a well dressed lady entered.
= Debbie and Simon (raised their heads to look when) a well dressed lady entered.
2.The lady (glanced at) them both.
= The lady (glimpsed at) them both.
= The lady (took a glance/glimpse at) them both.
3.I (prefer) walking (to) riding the bike.
= I (like) walking (better than) riding the bike.
4.Tom (decided to) improve his body language.
= Tom (made a decision to) improve his body language.
5.He came to (remind) me (that) tomrrow is her birthday.
= He came to (warn) me (that) tomrrow is her birthday.
6.It's impolite to (stare at) others.
= It's impolite to (gape/gaze/glare at) others.
7.In many situationsmm the way you say something is (far more) important than what you say.
= In many situationsmm the way you say something is (much more) important than what you say.
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