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“to be discounting the price for families that don’t need financial aid doesn’t feel right any more.”
人气:185 ℃ 时间:2020-09-04 08:29:00
对于那些并不需要经济援助的家庭来说,继续给予他们价格优惠已经不再合适了.结合语境翻译,什么是价格优惠?看了一下全文,这里价格应该指大学学费的意思。价格优惠翻译成“削减学费”更妥帖些 改一下,对于那些并不需要经济援助的家庭来说,削减他们的学费已经不再合适了。1、您好,一道选择题the chief purpose of rankings-consicous colleges in offering merit aid is to a\attract good studentsb\increase their revenuesc\improve teaching qualityd\boost their enrollments 应该在a或者b中选择吧? which? 2、David laird的观点是?可提高悬赏!1题答案定位: But for rankings-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profiles. 选a 2题答案定位: "No one can take unilateral action," says Laird, who is exploring whether to seek an exemption from federal antitrust laws so member colleges can discuss how they could jointly reduce merit aid. "This is a merry-go-round that's going very fast, and none of the institutions believe they can sustain the risks of trying to break away by themselves." David观点:No one can take unilateral action to reduce merit aid.所以第一题的a和b我都觉得对、、、还有Allegheny college不打算降低奖学金,是因为很多中等收入家庭都依赖于它吗?1题b不对,原文“to recruit top students and to improve their academic profiles”招收顶尖学生,从而提高学术地位。这里那里体现了增加学校收入(revenue)的意思? 第二个问题,不是。看原文: That's one reason Allegheny College doesn't plan to drop merit aid entirely."We still (believe in rewarding superior achievements) and know that (these top-notch students truly value the scholarship)," says Scott Friedhoff, Allegheny's vice president for enrollment. Allegheny College不降原因用括号括出,共两点:1.杰出的成就值得奖赏;2.顶尖的学生值得拥有奖学金
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