But I wonder about my Momma sometimes,and all the other Negro mothers who got up at 6 a.m.to go to the white man's house with sacks over their shoes because it was so wet and cold.I wonder how they made it.They worked very hard for the man,they made his breakfast and they scrubbed his floors and they diapered his babies.They didn't have too much time for us.
I wonder about my Momma,who walked out of a white woman's clean house at midnight and came back to her own where the lights had been out for three months,and the pipes were frozen and the wind came in through the cracks.She'd have to make deals with the rats:leave some food out for them so they wouldn't gnaw on the doors or bite the babies.The roaches,they were just like part of the family.
I wonder how she felt telling those white kids she took care of to brush their teeth after they ate,to wash their hands after they peed.She could never tell her own kids because there wasn't soap or water back home.
I wonder how my Momma felt when we came home from school with a list of vitamins and pills and cod liver oil the school nurse said we had to have.Momma would cry all night,and then go out and spent most of the rent money for pills.A week later,the white man would come for his eighteen dollars rent and Momma would plead with him to wait until tomorrow.She had lost her pocketbook.The relief check was coming.The white folk had some money for her.Tomorrow I'd be hiding in the coal closet because there was only supposed to be two kids in the flat,and I could hear the rent man curse my Momma and call her a liar.And when he finally went away,Momma put the sacks on her shoes and went off to the rich white folks' house to dress the rich white kids so their mother could take them to a special baby doctor.
人气:410 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 05:29:49
你也太小气啦,这么长文章也不给分啊,谁给你翻啊T T提高悬赏了……有的时候,我想象着着像我妈妈一样的所有黑人妈妈,他们每天早晨6点起床,脚上因为天冷而且潮湿而套上麻布袋,去到那些白人家里为他们工作,给他们做早餐,给他们擦地板,还为他们的孩子换尿片,我真想知道她们是如何做到的。她们甚至没有足够的时间来陪我们。我想象着我的母亲,每天半夜从白人干净舒适的家里回到自己的住处,这里的电灯已经坏了三个月了,管道都冻住了,寒风从缝隙里面钻进来。她还要一边与老鼠们共处一边做晚餐,留些食物给老鼠们免得它们去把门咬坏或者咬伤孩子。而蟑螂则好像是家庭的成员一般。我想象着母亲在告诉白人孩子饭后刷牙、便后洗手的时候是什么感受,她永远不可能这样教育自己的小孩因为自己家里连肥皂和干净水都没有。我想象着当母亲看到我们从学校回家的时候手里拿着校医那里规定我们需要补充维他命、药丸和鱼肝油的单子是什么感受。母亲会哭一整晚,然后出门将大部分房租去买药丸。一周后,她的白人房东会来催那18美金的租金,而母亲只能恳求他明天一定缴清。她的钱包已经见底了,而催帐的又来了。到第二天我必须躲进煤炭筐里,因为房东以为这房里只有两个小孩。我听见房东骂我母亲是个骗子,最后他还是走了。母亲则将麻布袋套上鞋子出门了,去那富人家里为他的白人孩子穿衣打扮,好让白人母亲把孩子带去看专业的儿童医生。
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- 2/3x=3/4y=2/5z x+y+z=215
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