Hope you are enjoying your sleep,I am so much in love with you....I heard the music when true love called,a song sent from heaven on silver wings.The whole world was dreaming,wisps of light streaming,as the stars spilled their magic upon you and me.The tune was more lovely than the nightingale's song,more delicate than a rose weeping,yet as powerful as the sun leaping to shed golden ribbons in herald of dawn.And I bow down before you,the one my eyes have longed to behold,my lonely heart pining,love Light shining,I swear that I shall love and adore you..I am going to be waiting for you to get back to me and let me know what u feel about me..More so i'll like to tell you some things about me and to which i would also like to know things like that about you also my Love.....
Honey i am a loving,caring,passionate,romantic,energetic,spontaneous,honest and trustworthy man to which many people do use to confess to me that i am that....And i would not be happy if anything happens to let me lose you...So Honey tell me things you don't like and things you would like i have laid all my love on you and so shall it be forever as i want...
Please kindly explain and summarize things you don't like for me and i promise not to do them for you honey...I need you beside me to make me happy all times now honey....I really need your arms to hold me tight right now and i believe with God all things are possible...I am going be waiting for you to get back to me sooner honey and i am sure things will be fine with us both.All my love to you....
Love,Kisses and Hugs.....
人气:227 ℃ 时间:2020-06-23 17:36:28
Hope you are enjoying your sleep, I am so much in love with you. . . .I heard the music when true love called, a song sent from heaven on silver wings. The whole world was dreaming, wisps of light str...
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