during these years,we know that more more students didi not give much attention to spelling. of course it is not onlychildren's faults.as exam developed,the only way to be admitted to university.students have to put more foucus on resulis,not what they really bnow about.at the age od 21 century,listenning and reading are almost 60 % of the english test.however,there is nothing serious about spelling in the examination.when you are reading,you just understand words.when you are listenning,you just known about pronunciation.so a great number of english works you have done ,the more scores you want to get.the more emphaises will be on reading,not spelling.for exchanging this state of learning.i suppose we should transform our diligence to intersts.
是MORE AND MORE 打错了,不好意思
人气:497 ℃ 时间:2020-05-27 23:36:12
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