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Thank you for contacting Online Support.Unfortunately we are not able to provide partial refunds to Alipay orders at this time.In order to refund this order we will need you to respond to this message with the last 4 digits of an alternative payment method,agreement to pay $10.87,and acknowledge that you have read and agree to our universal terms of service.Once you have provided us with this information we will be able to refund the full Alipay order.Please let us know if we may be of further assistance.
Thank you for your response.As stated before,the purpose of the fee is to keep your domain active.When you make a purchase in Alipay partial refunds cannot be done.For this reason,we would need to refund the entire receipt.The only way for this to be done would be if you paid for the domain or if you canceled your domain.Please note that you will not want to cancel your domain is you still have use for it.If you wish to keep your domain,state that you accept the charge of $10.87 USD and the last 4 digits of the payment method you would like to use.If your preference is to use Alipay,please respond stating this and we will place this charge into your account.We appreciate your patience in this matter.
谢谢下面的回答,但我要的不是用软件翻译出来的,那个我也会,关键的一点“the last 4 digits of an alternative payment method”这个是什么?因为我是用支付宝付款的,但我要退一部分钱,而支付宝是不接受部分退款的,所以他们可能让我提供另一种退款方式,而这个“the last 4 digits of an alternative payment method”可能就是,但我不不知道是什么方式,有人知道这个吗?
人气:113 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 10:45:47
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