HuMingisafarmer.Everymorning,HUMingandhiswifew_____atthefieldsandf_____theanimals. Theyareveryhardworking.
Oneday,HUMingtoldhiswife,"Iamnotf_____well.Ihaveafever. I T hinkIwillnotbeabletohelpyoutodat."
HUMingtoldhisson,Zhang," Yourm_____ has toworkalone at the fieldsto-day.Pleaseh_____herfeedtheanimals."
人气:377 ℃ 时间:2020-03-27 10:19:48
Hu Ming is a farmer .Every morning ,HU Ming and his wife work_____at the fields and feed_____the animals.They are very hardworking.
One day,HU Ming told his wife,"I am not feel_____well.I have a fever .I T hink I will not be able to help you todat."
HU Ming told his son,Zhang ," Your mother_____ has to work alone at the fields to-day.Please help_____her feed the animals."
- 六年级英语单词填空
- 填英语单词(六年级的)
- 一道英语单词填空(一定要是六年级学过的单词)
- Hi,Wang Tao.How did you spend your winter vacation?
- 三至六年级英语单词
- ---I am so glad to see you here .I miss you very much .
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