请用一段英语描述一下猫头鹰的习性、样子 急
人气:237 ℃ 时间:2019-08-20 02:04:16
猫头鹰的眼的四周羽毛呈放射状,形成所谓“面盘”.嘴和爪都弯曲呈钩状.周身羽毛大多为褐色,散缀细斑,稠密而松软,飞行时无声.夜间和黄昏活动,主食鼠类,有时也捕食小鸟或大型昆虫.Owl's eye around feather radially,fo...猫头鹰在白天睡觉,一般睡10个小时,有两只脚,每个脚上有四个指头,前面三个,后面1个。猫头鹰绝大多数是夜行性动物,昼伏夜出,白天隐匿于树丛岩穴或屋檐中不易见到。猫头鹰是色盲,也是唯一不能分辨颜色的鸟类。猫头鹰的羽毛非常柔软,翅膀羽毛上有天鹅绒般密生的羽绒。 Owls sleep during the day, usually sleep for 10 hours, has two feet, each foot has four toes, three front, 1 rear. The most are nocturnal animal, nocturnal, the day hidden in the bushes or roof rock cave in is not easy to see. The owl is color-blind, and only the birds cannot distinguish between colours. Owl feathers are very soft, velvety wings feather has dense down.
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