good not only doing but also he feels about work we volunteer 连词成句
人气:464 ℃ 时间:2020-02-06 05:10:35
Not only he feels about volunteer doing good work but also we do.
你漏了单词,所以很难组句,把漏掉的单词也发来吧没漏单词啊 good,not only,doing,but also,he,feels,about,work,we,volunteer哦,也许这样可以吧,但总有些怪怪的感觉Not only we but also he feels about volunteer doing good work.
- a good volunteer should not only display
- A good volunteer should not only display his or her own good image but also see to it _____ the visitor gets the exact i
- not...but中的not跟but都是连词吗?就如同not only...but also...一样?
- 连词成句 practice,but,work,good,it,seems,in,it,theory,doernot,in
- --- do we feel good about helping others ,---we can learn a lot from the volunteer work
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