人气:292 ℃ 时间:2020-02-20 13:36:18
By chance, there was a gathering beyond the hill, a hunter riding his bike with 4 wolf cubs on the back was already on his way, he would pursue what he had started to the end at any cost.
4 wolf cubs were taken for four wolfhound cubs and were sold in no time. Each was sold for 60 yuans, four for 240 yuans. A roll of banknotes was stuffed into the hunter's waist bag.
- 将标有数字1,2,3,4,5的五张卡片放入标有数字1,2,3,4,5的五个盒子中,每个盒子放一张卡片,且卡片上
- 1.SPring Festival ,2.Lantern Festival ,3.Labour Day 4.Mid-Autumn 5.Double Ninth Festival 6.Christmas
- 1有一水池,只打开甲水龙头要24分钟注满水池,只打开乙水龙头要36分钟才注满水池.现在先打开甲水龙头几分钟,然后关掉甲,再打开乙水龙头把水池注满,已知乙水龙头比甲水龙头多开26分钟,问注满水池总共用了多少分钟?2某长方形的长和宽之比是8:5
- 小明去爬山,上山花了45分钟,原路下山花了30分钟,上山每分钟比下山每分钟少走9米,求下山速度.
- You can borrow it but only once you've done your project.
- 一种彩电,如果降价百分之十出售,可获利215元,如果降价百分之二十出售,就亏125元.这彩电的原价是?
- 写语文老师的赞扬词?
- 生活中的化学知识