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主题。change began with choice
人气:177 ℃ 时间:2020-08-03 21:39:39
Impacts of Senior Citizens in their Choices for Healthcare
I began working as an Independent Insurance Agent for the Senior Healthcare market over 4 years ago.Many people today wonder what the future will hold for senior citizens and their health care needs.By becoming an Independent Insurance Agent,I have learned the importance of improving health care for senior citizens,and that senior citizens are educated on their options and what choices they have when choosing their health care plan.
The study of trends in health care utilization provides important information and may draw attention to areas that may call for future in depth studies because of the potential quality of care.Health care services that are provided to senior citizens should be effective,centered around the patient and equitable.It is important for the policy makers to recognize that the population of senior citizens will be increasing all over in the upcoming decades.The current health care service needs for the aging senior citizens,and the future expansion of those needs,show the important considerations in planning of the service programs that are provided by the federal,state and local governments.Senior citizens,people 65 and older,are the major users of health care services.A major contributor to the increased cost of health care for senior citizens is expenses for home health care services,such as long-term rest home or hospital care.Cost of health care services to senior citizens is increasing due to the aging population.Senior citizens have limited knowledge on where to obtain programs that will serve their needs.An important strategy for improving the health in senior citizen's,is to educate and promote senior citizens throughout their life.
Senior Citizens pay a much larger share of their income in out of pocket health cost than non-seniors pay.Out of pocket medical costs place a significant burden on seniors,and the low-income seniors face even a greater burden.Medicare Part D drug benefit was designed to help seniors in lowering out of pocket expenses.Medicare Part D is a prescription drug plan to help reduce prescription drug costs,offered to Medicare beneficiaries.Medicare is the single largest payer in the United States health care system.Since the program began,the Medicare population has doubled.Managed care is a system of care that accepts responsibility for the delivery of health services and the financing of coverage.In one way or another,virtually the entire Medicare population is vulnerable because of its greater need for health care services and the higher health care costs that seniors incur due to their age and health status.Nevertheless,seniors need more health services to help improve health care for them.
Every month approximately 200,000 Americans turn 65 and become eligible for Medicare,the largest health insurance program in our country.Medicare beneficiaries are faced everyday with choices about the way they will receive their health care needs.Under the Medicare program,having the changing option available has the need to clearly inform and educate seniors about their choices in order for them to make a decision that best meets their personal needs.The purpose in educating senior citizens of their health care choices is because the consequences of a poor choice made by senior citizens can be devastating.
As an Independent Insurance Agent,I have learned that understanding the well-being of senior citizens and their needs and expectations regarding health care are very important.As an Independent Insurance Agent,it is my job in helping to educate seniors in what options they may have when choosing their health care.Understanding the population is increasing rapidly,it is important senior know their choices to help keep out of pocket expenses lower for them and for the future of seniors to come.
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