> 英语 >
make sure of ,make sure about ,make sure for
这三个有神马用法上的区别啊 各自的意思是什么啊
人气:138 ℃ 时间:2019-10-19 23:34:23
make sure of 确保、确保、 弄清楚
make sure about弄清,弄确实
没有make sure for这种说法
Go and make sure of the place and time.
Make sure about the data source.
弄清楚数据来源.make sure of 与make sure about有什么用法上的区别么从意思上来看, make sure of 与make sure about 区别不大, 可以换用.但是,make sure about的说法不地道,是中式英语, 在正规的词典里都查不到这个用法. 只是网上出现了含有这个短语的句子,可能是网友误用所致. Make sure about the data source. 弄清楚数据来源.(这个句子出自互联网, 并不是很地道) make sure of 才是地道的说法 Make sure ofyour facts before you write the article. 先弄明白事实,然后再写文章.但是: be sure ofsb./ sth./doing sth.=be sure aboutsb./ sth./doing sth. He is sure of himself. 他很自信. 来自《简明英汉词典》Jane is reliable, but I'm not so sure about Jim. 简是信得过的, 至于吉姆,我就不敢说了. 来自《牛津高阶词典》Fight no battle you are not sure of winning. 不打无把握之仗. 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
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