> 英语 >
人气:127 ℃ 时间:2020-01-31 09:51:05
Politics is closely linked with economy,and a steady politic atmosphere is the basis of sound economic growth.but presently,there are still a numble of disharmonious factors in international political evironment like Iran nuclear issues.since EU announced oil embargo to Iran,internation oil price has been soaring,which aggravates the situation of international economic upheaval.we can see that unhealthy policital structure will hamper the revival of world economy.since peace and development are the mainstream of the era,each country should abide by international order and rules,putting differences aside and joining hands to facilitate world political and economic development.少几十个词,再加一句中文:伊朗应今早与国际社会举行谈判,解决争端,稳定石油价格,避免中东局势进一步恶化,促进世界经济健康发展。this morning, Iran held a talk with international community to settle down disputes, to stablize oil price, to avoid further deterioration of situation in the Mindle East and to facilitate sound boost of world economy.
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