be yourself
no matter who you are ,a tiny boy ,a fat girl ,we have the rights to be the person we wanna to be ,though i am short ,i like play baseketball,and i could find fun in it ,then i play,i like eat ice cream ,i do not care how many fat it contains,and i eat
so what is the most important is to be yourself like somebody said:
to singing ,like nobody listen to you
to danceing ,like nobody look at you
to love ,like never being hurt before
人气:169 ℃ 时间:2019-12-22 23:52:07
the rights的the去掉
play basketball 单词错了,而且改成playing
i could find fun中式英语,而且不要用could,改成enjoy myself.then i paly感觉别扭.去掉吧.eat 也去掉吧.直接i like ice cream... how many fat->how much fat.
and i eat so what is the most important is to be yourself like somebody said:
语法:如果你的本意是我这样吃冰激凌最重要的.改成the most important reason i eat ice cream is to be myself like somebody sail:.
最后几句词性要统一.loving dancing没有e.
listening looking.
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