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try to do try doing 区别.mean to do mean doing
try to do try doing 区别.
mean to do mean doing 区别.
人气:176 ℃ 时间:2019-10-08 08:47:08
try to do 表面的意思是; 试着做某事儿,但实际上的意思是:努力想做成某事儿 比如,i tried to escape,but i failed."我努力着想逃走,但是没有成功." 而try doing 表面意思也是:试着做某事儿,但实际意思是:(为了达到另外的一个目的)做某种尝试看行不行.比如,-------"So hot here,isn't it?" -------"Yes,why not try turning on the air conditioner?" "很热,是吧." “恩,就是.咱们开开空调吧,看看能不能凉快点儿.”
.mean to do是“打算,企图”的意思.Mean doing是表示“意味着”的意思.如:I had meant to leave on Sunday.我本打算周日走.I mean to stay here for a long time.我打算在这儿呆很久.Missing the train means waiting for another hour.赶不上火车预示着要再等一个小时.Revolution means liberating the productive forces.革命意味着解放生产力.2.mean通常不与否定的动词不定式搭配.如:I did not mean to hurt you.我并不是故意得罪你.(不说:I meant not to hurt you.)I meant no harm to you.我对你并无恶意.(不说:I meant not to harm you.)
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