几道英语连词成句:1.clock five the will twelve in strike minutes.2.girl call is the in Mary red.
人气:104 ℃ 时间:2019-10-26 00:54:32
The clock will strike twelve in five minutes.还差5分钟,钟表敲12点.
The girl in red is Mary.穿红衣服的女孩叫Mary.那个call好象是多余的,没法用~
- 英语连词成句 girl,call,is,the,in,Mary,red.求求了
- 英语连词成句:girl,purple,in,is,the,a,dress.
- 五分钟内用英语怎么说?是within five minutes还是in five minutes?
- English,Cindy,an,is,girl 连词成句
- 【初二英语】Miss Wang will come back _in five minutes_.(对in five minutes提问.)
- I have some bad habits,I will try to recover them!
- 如图,在三棱锥P-ABC中,侧棱PA⊥底面ABC,AB⊥BC,E、F分别是棱BC、PC的中点. (Ⅰ)证明:EF∥平面PAB; (Ⅱ)证明:EF⊥BC.
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