> 英语 >
用所给单词的适当形式填空 cook,do,call,go,visit,have,read,relax,stay,write
I'm( )a great and( ) summer.I'm( )my grandfather in Florida.The weather is hot and sunny.I am( )at my grandmother's home.It's very nice and near the beach.I go to the beach with my friends every day.We play volleyball there a lot.I watch TV or read in the evening.I'm( )an interesting book this week.It's very scry.Oh!My grangmother is( )right now.She's( )dinner.She wants me to help her.
How is your summer( What are you( Please( )soon
人气:125 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 13:57:00
having relaxing visiting staying reading \ cooking \ doing write
题目是怎么样的,就这些词吗?如果有的话我再改下是只有这些词,但是要填满havingrelaxing visitingstaying readingcallingcookinggoing doingwrite
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