> 英语 >
1. 我通常每天晚上7点在我们的宿舍听法语广播.
(广播broadcast 宿舍dormitory)
2. 老师的办公室在教学楼的二层.
3. 她的杂志在宿舍靠窗子的桌子上.
4. 波音777在1994年7月12日首次飞上天空.
(飞上天take to the sky)
5. 一个要饭的(beggar)走过来,他身材矮小(little)、面黄肌瘦(yellow)、衣衫褴褛(ragged)、瘸腿(lame)、满面胡须(unshaven).
6. 从南方来的工人们去年在我们村里盖了一所新学校.
7. 昨天,在戏院(theatre)里,我后面的一男一女总是大声说话.
1.We usually listen to Franch broadcast in our dormitory every evening at 7:00.
2.There is teacher's office on the second floor.
3.There is her magazine on the desk by the window in a dormitory.
4.On 1994.7.12,Boeing 777 first took to the sky.
5.A beggar come here,he is thin、yellow、ragged、lame、and unshaven.
6.Works from south builded a new school in our village in the last year.
7.Yesterday,a man and a woman behind me always said loudly in the theatre.
人气:493 ℃ 时间:2020-04-12 07:26:30
1 Franch 拼写错误 应为 French 法语的意思
2 teacher's office 前少一个不定冠词 a
3 这里用There is 有点多余,直接说 Her magazine is on...the window of the dormitory. 宿舍这里有特指,应用the.
4 OK
5 A beggar walks right in,...
6 Workers (Work 是工作的意思).built(build的过去式,不是加ed).last year. (无须 in the)
7 Yesterday a man and a woman behind me kept speaking loudly in the theatre.
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