> 英语 >
 Tom tells us that there will is a total solar eclipse           76. of the sun today .We can't wait to going                         77. to the playground to watch.He says that he saw years  78. ago ,and that it is interested .He 's sure that the sky       79. will become total dark  soom .Then it begins.                   80. The sun got smaller .He tells us to go on waiting .           81. The sky doesn't become dark like Tom said.                    82. The sun recovers a few of minutes later .In fact,              83. it is a partial solar eclipse .His face turns red.                   84. He says to herself ." I have never seen it befoer ."           85. 
人气:273 ℃ 时间:2020-09-02 03:03:19
76. is改成be
77. going改成go
78. saw和years中间加入one
79. interested改成interesting
80. total改成totally
81. got改成gets
82. like改成as
83. 去掉of
84. 此行无错
85. herself改成himself
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