A :The picture is very valuable and you should keep it well.
B:The picture is _____ ______ _____and you should keep it well.
2.He is always full of _____ as through he never know tirdness .
A strength B energy C force D power
3.She is always busy doing housework ______I come to vist her family.
A every time B at every time C every time when D at each time
4.He is only too ready to help others,seldom,______,refusing them when they turn to him.
A if never B if ever C if not D if any
人气:381 ℃ 时间:2020-06-22 09:03:33
1 of great value 有很大价值 2 B strength是体力、当然是精力比较好 power 主要是权力 3 A 时间状语从句特殊引导词:the minute,the moment,the second,every time,the day,the instant,immediately .every time 是...能帮忙翻译一下第四题的句子吗,我不太懂。他很乐于帮助其他人,很少、如果曾有过的话,拒绝其他人(当其他人来向他求助时)。也就是说他很少拒绝其他人,如果曾经拒绝过的话,也是很少的情况。。
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