many farmers raise hens to lay eggs.some breeds of hens lay white eggs.others lay brown eggs.a few breeds lay geeds lay green or blue eggs.a hen usually lays no more than one egg a day
after the hen has laid all her eggs,she sits on them gantly,turning the eggs over now and then,keeping them warm all over.warming the eggs is called incubation
the mother hen incubates her eggs for about 3 weeks.during this time,a chick is growing inside each egg.
when the incubated eggs are about 3 weeks old,the brooding mother hears a cheeping sound.the eggshell of one of the eggs begins to crack.a chick using its egg tooth,a sharp part of its beak,is breaking out of its shell.the other eggs begin to hatch,too.
at first the chicks are wet and sticky.they are very tired.soon they dry and have fluffy yellow feathers called down,they become stronger.they can see and hear and begin to move about.the chicks make a cheeping sound to let their mother know where they are.the mother hen clucks and drops food in front of them.chicks can eat the same food as their mothers.
in a few weeks the chicks are bigger,but their mother still protects them.the chicks have grown feathers.in a few months these young chickens will look like their mother or father.
人气:318 ℃ 时间:2020-01-31 02:30:32
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