C.H.Robinson Worldwide,Inc.(CHRW)
A Stand Out Quarter From a Stand Up Company
Results — With the majority of transports reporting meet/miss quarters vs.
reduced estimates thus far in 2Q earnings season,CHRW reported a clean 2Q
EPS beat of $0.54,up 4% YoY and ahead of our $0.52 & the street at $0.53.
Revenues — Transport net revenue improved 3% YoY in 2Q vs.1Q's decline of
0.3%,with net revenue per day in core transportation segment up sequentially
each month in 2Q and into July.Net revenue margin of 18.3% was 2Q record.
Expenses — Strong discretionary cost control evident,with operating margin
improvement of 30 bps to 42.6%,also a 2Q record.Actively managing labor
costs,w/ headcount down 9% from 3Q08 peak pro-forma for acquisitions.
What We're Watching — 1) Core truckload pricing down 5% in 2Q,w/ rate per
mile (ex-fuel) consistent intra-quarter,2) TL volumes down 5% in 2Q and flat
in July suggests market share gain,w/ industry declines likely near 10%,3)
LTL transactions up 20%,but tonnage per transaction fell 15%,while potential
dislocations at competitors could lead to share gain,4) Trucking capacity still
lagging prolonged fall-off in demand,suggesting pricing weakness could linger,
5) Depth/length of economic downturn may test resiliency of asset light model
w/o volume improvement in 2H,although volume comps get easier in 4Q.
这里的w/headcount w/rate w/industry都是什么意思啊
二楼的是白痴吗 我会我还把问题发到这里来,看清楚我的问题先在发言好不
人气:444 ℃ 时间:2020-04-14 08:23:26
“w/”是“with ...”的简写,一般可以翻译做“通过什么什么”、“依据什么什么”、“同时怎么怎么样”等等,具体的含义需要联系上下文来看的.“Actively managing labor costs,w/ headcount down 9% from ...”——这...
- 已知一元二次方程2x^2-3x+1=0的两个根分别为x1 x2
- 植树节到了,小红一家栽种42棵,小云一家栽种40棵树苗,小新一家栽种的棵数相当于小红和小云两家栽种总和的1/2,问:
- 如图,若一棵高为6m的树在太阳光的照射下,影长为10m,求太阳光线与地面所成角的正切值.
- 如图,在⊙O中,AB是直径,P为AB上一点,过点P作弦MN,∠NPB=45゜.若AP=2,BP=6,求MN的长.
- 已知函数y=根号下x²+1与y=根号下9-x²,
- 有两个角,若第一个角割去它的三分之一后,与第二个角之和为90°,若第一个角补上它的三分之二后,与第二个角之和为180°,求这两个角的度数.
- 《记承天寺夜游》习题
- I take him home.句子中的home是什么词性?