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阅读理解Autumn is also called fall.
Autumn is also called fall.Autumn days are cool.Day get shorter in autumn.Leaves begin to fall from the tree.There are yellow,red and brown leaves.The colours of fall are beautiful.
Autumn is harvest time.It’s the time to gather apples ,rice and other things for the farmers.Squirrels(松鼠)gather nuts in autumn.Many birds fly south.Students go back to school in the fall.
Football is the most popular sport.Thousands of people go to the games on the weekend.There are games for high schools and colleges on Friday and Saturdays.Most professional football is played on Sundays.1.Fall is another name fo_______A.summer B.autumn C.spring D.season 2.The leaves on the trees tum _____in autumn.A.yellow,red and brown B.green,yellow and red C.yellow,blue and brown D.all colors 3.The animals are busy____A.harvesting fruits B.making new houses C.getting food for the cold winter D.studying 4.In autumn the students_____.A.play all kinds of sports B.go to games C.go back to school to begin studies for the new school year D.spend winter vacation 5.people like____very much in autumn.A.all the sports B.basketball C.palying D.football
人气:331 ℃ 时间:2020-04-23 19:05:53
A.yellow,red and brown
C.getting food for the cold winter
C.go back to school to begin studies for the new school year
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