> 英语 >
For this text:
> Only then is the survival brain turned down and the personality fever cooled.
请问特别对于“turned down”及相关地方,可不可以意译为?——只有这样以后用以生存的大脑才会清净安定下来.
对于“turned down",是不是这样翻译最符合原文?
Thank you in advance!
**The context is :**(原文中无“**”记号,我加上的)
> The Buddha taught that kind of happiness.He put it this way:“True happiness can only be found by eliminating the false idea of ‘I’ or ‘self.’” **Only then is the survival brain turned down and the personality fever cooled.** The only problem with that formulation is that once the “I” or “self ” has been eliminated,then there is no one around to enjoy the feeling of happiness.
Excerpt from “Crazy Wisdom Saves the World Again!” by Wes "Scoop" Nisker:
人气:284 ℃ 时间:2020-03-24 19:38:12
短语 turn down 确实是要按语境翻译的,
在这段话里,我认为 turned down 译为 “清净安定下来 很贴切 .
cooled down 或 calmed down
(不写 cooled down 是为了避免和接下去的 fever cooled 重复.)
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