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人气:188 ℃ 时间:2020-04-27 06:50:05
I spent all day today to catch up with my homework.I like study,but one thing I don’t like is there is always too much homework that we have to do even on our holidays.I heard a friend of mind from Canada that students are rarely given homework in elementary school and only a little homework in high school,so students there have so much free time than us.I hope our education system will change!I was woken up by a noise from the living room.I looked at my watch,holly cow,it’s almost 7:30.I slept in this morning again.It’s Chinese New Year today.My mom told me to get up early in the morning so I could go to my neighbor’s place to wish them Happy New Year!I quickly got up and washed my face and run without anything.
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