1.If you were the leader of your country,what would you change?
2.If you had 6 months to live,what 3 things would be most important for you to do
3.If you had a time machine and you could be transported to any time,the past or the future,what time would you choose?
4.If you could meet any famous person from a day,who would you choose and why?
5.If you could be invisible for a day,what would you do and why?
6.If you could change one thing about yourself,what would it be?
7.If you could change one thing in the world,what would it be?
8.If you were given a million dollars,what would you do with it?
9.If you were given a choice between being given great wisdom or wealth,which would you choose?
10.If you could be any man or any woman for a day,who would you choose and why?
人气:286 ℃ 时间:2019-09-09 18:36:03
Do it by yourself.