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what is your opinion of money?what do you think of all-out donation?can we solve the problem of
recession by printing more money?why?该怎么回答,要用英语,
人气:211 ℃ 时间:2019-08-21 11:39:12
要怎么回答,我也不知道,这只是意见题,我连你是什麼立场,想怎样答都不知道,你起码给一个大纲出来,我可以翻成英文.你的看法就行,大人您有什么看法尽管发挥就行對不起,第3個問題應該是能否解決經濟衰退,我看錯了...我不知道你有沒有字數規定,所以只寫個概略吧..1. I think that money is an useful tool for modern economy. People can trade in a simplier way. Of course, coins have two sides. Money becomes a standard of evaluating people sometimes. Some people will appreciate rich people instead of those poor ones, although they are hardworking. In conclusion, we should learn how to control money and not taken over by it.2. All-out donation is a good method to appreciate people around us to join in charity activities. It can show determination of people on helping other people with needs. But it is not suitable for everyone obviously. Monopoly may not care about much since they have their own businesses. They can earn a huge amount of money soon. For ordinary people, they cannot guarantee that they can still earn their living and maintain steady life.3. No,it just simply leads to inflation in future. Printing more money is just a short-term solution.To solve the problem, the government should stablize the price of market at first.
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