好的排比令人印象深刻.尤其是在演说中,排比修辞手段很常见.著名的马丁路德金的 “I have a dream" 脍炙人口句子就是那一系列的 ”I have a dream.";JF 肯尼迪的就职演说主要部分也是由排比句组成的:To those . 和 Let both sides.
he will never know.用的好的话能给你的演说加分!He will never know the smart mobile and the popularity of smart mobile phone ; He will never know the convenience of traveling around the world ; He will never know the amount of information we have received everyday , as if reading one hundred and seventy-four pages of newspaper. ; He doesn’t know the Global village and the theme of the world is peace and development!这算是怎么样?最后一句为什么要说 He doesn’t know 呢?说成 And he will never know.....不是很好吗?建议每一个 He will never know 句子都用句号。最后一个前面加 And,结尾用感叹号。