Along with economic development ,money is frequently referred to.In today’s class meeting ,students had a heated discussion about money.
Some student hold the view that the money is the source of happiness.And it can provide with colorful dressing ,modern car as well as comfortable life .what’s more ,some believes that rights,friends and love can also be exchanged by money.Moreover ,to get more money ,some people turned to a thief or robber even a murderer.what’s worse ,as a result of the money some officials failed to do their duty,which have bad effect on the country.Therefore,others argued that money is the source of the evil,we should keep a distance with money.
From my point of view ,money is only the way of exchange.Every coin has two sides,Whether it is good or bad is depend on how we make use of it.
人气:161 ℃ 时间:2019-10-11 07:07:54
economic改为economicalstudents had a heated discussion about money要用现在时Some student 要复数source of happiness不妥帖啊source 是资源的意思,origin是根源的意思provide with - provide 作为提供的意思,...
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