我做的英语题对不对 大家给我看一下
1.children enjoy holidays,adults enjoy holidys(both...and)
>both children and Adults enjoy holidays/
2.he must be very clever,he must be very foolish(either...or)
>1.he must be either very clever or foolish
>2.he either must be very clever or foolish
这个两个哪个对啊 或者是都不对/
3.George does not play football.dave does not play football(neither.nor)
>1.George does neither play football nor dave.
>2.neither George nor dave play football .
4.George does not play soccer.he does not play rugby.(neither.nor)
>George does neither play soccer nor rugby.
5.he does not know,he does not care.(neither...nor)
>he does neither know nor care.
这些问题我都是很不明白的 大家给我好好说一下好吗?
人气:402 ℃ 时间:2020-04-01 06:43:56
1.Both children and Adults enjoy holidays.2.He must be either very clever or foolish.3.Neither George nor dave plays football.4.George neither plays soccer nor rugby.5.He neither knows nor cares.
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