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Online education
Nowadays,with the rapid development of economics,new things come out continually.An encreassing number of people turn to onlinn education to improve their performance.
The reasons for this phenomena can be stated as follows:Initially,it is common to use the internet for work and leisure in our daily life.It could connect people all over the world.so that,it make us covenient to broadcast information and communicate with others;Further more,people had make great progress in techonology in the recent decades.Not only could we convey the voice and words,but also we could convey the video;Last but not least,Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning is a most important aspect of life,and they try to learning by many kinds of ways.
I belive that the online education make people continual their education at home after school or finish the work.It is a revolution for the traditional education.It will be popular in our daily life.
人气:265 ℃ 时间:2020-03-23 07:58:11
1单词错误,increasing,online,continue2it make us covenient to broadcast information and communicate with others这句话不对,it become conveniet for us to…………3but also we could convey the video 我认为...
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